Happy Day: A Day on Tumblr

It's third day now for my #SummerHappiness challenge that I initiated a few days back. With this, I am on a roll with my happiness during summer.

Who says that Facebook can be the only thing I can scroll down on my phone? With so many social media platform you can play with and even in your phone to boot, just a little Wi-Fi and that can take away your boredom! But I think I already made a post regarding using Tumblr over Facebook.

I've been a Tumblr user since I started blogging because, I heard from the other bloggers that you can also promote something from your blog into your Tumblr profile. Tumblr is also another Blogging platform that can attract viewers looking for something more into pictures. Well, that is what i understand so far. But besides on writing, I like looking into different pictures. Seeing one good and funny picture can make my day and make me happy. Even if it is just short term.

There are a lot of things you can see on Tumblr. Well given the fact that you have to follow someone who has the same interest as you or the one you like. I do that! I can see different quotes about life, a picture of my favorite anime or even it's gif, the thought of the person you follow. You can even learn some things from them. The things they talk about and the things that they re-blog.

What makes me happy is that, compared to Facebook, Tumblr is one of the things that says something about the reality different people faces. I love learning things that I don't know, and Tumblr helps me to be motivated and inspired to take steps to learn on a different level. Most of the things that I can learn from them is how equality should be, promoting feminism, making awareness about bullying and more things that a person can learn from different anime shows and even the regular one that we see.

So if there is one thing that can make me happy is just an hour on Tumblr, appreciating things that I see and I can read from different perspective. You can follow me or even look at my profile here if you want to. And they say that if you want to know a person, do not look in his Facebook, Instagram and Twitter acoount. But look on his Tumblr and you will know what kind of person he is.
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