Loving a Mood Swinger

Navigating through the stormy ocean of same-sex relationship is already hard, with all the temptation and lack of discipline to being loyal, to the lack of time for each other to see and even date because of busy schedules with work and other things that are important. Loving a bipolar person is more than a roller coaster ride in that stormy ocean.

Sometimes, loving a bipolar means that you will be loving all the sides of that person. It resembles like a rough diamond. The piece is beautiful to look at, but if you are not careful at handling them, you might get cuts or otherwise, hurt yourself than just cuts. What I am saying is that, loving a bipolar person, either diagnosed clinically or just assuming that he is, it can be really hard, but really rewarding.

Don't try to Argue, Let Him Understand

Most of the times, people with this kind of problem just needs people who will understand them, make them understand that it will be alright and you validate his or her existence despite being so unreadable and inconsistent with their words.

Make them understand that you will be there for them and you will not give up trying to understand as to why they change their mood so suddenly. But, do not force him to understand to smile and make a positive outlook in life. Just be there whenever they feel sad or is feeling happy.

Be Patient and Hold Your Ground

When their thinking and mood suddenly changes into bad, be there, stand your ground and stretch up your patience.Plan ahead and make sure to build up happy thoughts to help you when the storm comes into the ocean. It will always be a surprise when their mood will change, but that doesn't mean that you can just throw the table and give up. Just be patient and try to keep an open mind as to why and how their mood changes so quickly. Be on guard and hold your stance.

Keep on Learning

Don't go into the sea unprepared. Always get a hold of knowledge regarding mood swings or being bipolar because that will also help you clinically and emotionally how to make sure that both of you can be safe and land unharmed.

Life really knows how to make sure that every day is a lesson. And loving a mood swinger will really open your eyes to different perspectives and your thoughts into different possibilities. Because you just can't predict the day of mood swingers, then you should be ready to keep an open mind, heart, and soul to accept them and learn from the experience, how to really love someone so unreadable and unpredictable.

Just Love Them

It can be really unfair when all the effort of understanding is one-sided, but if you decided to love someone, just commit to it and show them what your love can do and bring. They may have a hard time to trust you most of the time and chose to believe you even if you mean them no harm, but from personal experience, when they are in good mood, they can really bring great things to you. So Just be patient with them, stand your ground, understand them more and just continue loving them more every day. After all, even if they are swingers, they are also a human being that needs some love just as you do.