10 Things that Young Adults Need to Know before Turning 30

A majority of those who were born in the year of the 90's area already young adults and some are going to meet their 30s sooner or later. With today's Era of fast paced technology and personality development, some are getting left out behind and some are scraping through with the changes, you and I are not different from the rest of those, but there are people who are exceptionally good in coping up with those changes. So, I listed below the things that we, who were born in the 90s, the things that we need to know before we reach our 30s.

From my previous post, I listed the things that we learn to love as we grow, but on this list, these are the things that we need to learn as we grow. So if you want to check out that post, just clicks here:
12 Things that We Learn to Love as We Grow Older

1.) Finding Three Important Hobbies in life.
  • To Keep you healthy
  • To Earn More
  • To Live out your life Completely.

It doesn't have to be what other people are doing, but these are the important hobbies that you should have in your life. To keep you healthy might be going to gym or being a vegan. To Earn more means a job that you love and loves you back, and a hobby to feel the world and enjoying it.

If you don't have enough hobby to push you thru in life, then I suggest that you look into this one: How Playing An Instrument Makes You Amazing

2.) Network

A wide range of acquaintances or friends will help you move in around from city to city especially if you have a business you want to start or already maintaining, being in your early adulthood will definitely help you to grow as you age. Reach out different communities both high and low and you'll grow your network in a long run.

If you want to improve your conversational skill while being an introvert like me, then I can give you some tips from here: Improving Your Conversation Skills

3.) Health is Your Most Valuable Gem

It may be an Alexandrite, or a Pink Star Diamond (by which I think the most expensive Gem in the world) but, the most expensive gem in the world of truth is your life. And how can you enjoy life if you don't take care of our own health. Get what I mean?

4.) Cooking

One of the most important thing that teenagers and young adult alike needs to know, especially if they are planning to get married soon or later. It would be expensive and unhealthy if you will always eat outside of the house right?

5.) Practicality

Another important aspect that a lot of us needs to learn these days. Learn how to budget your finances as well as to know where your expenses and incomes are. That will be a definitely helpful skill when you are settling down.

I have a post regarding practicality and saving money, you might want to check this one out:
Budget Tip: Be Around With People With the Same Budget

6.) Learn a Language

The more language you know, the more person you can achieve your goals to travel the world or just to understand more people. It's also a good way to keep your brain healthy. Lots of benefits if you ask me.

If you want to learn languages, then I recommend you to check this one out. Just click on the link Learning a New Language? Use Doulingo

7.) How to Invest Smart

A lot of people say that investing in a business will help you earn more income, I have yet to experience this and still saving money for me to be able to invest in a company either in stocks, so that I can fully explain this well, if you are planning, then you need to learn a lot more like me before we turn into our 30s

8.) Develop a Thirst for Knowledge Habit

People might laugh at you, intimidated, or will not understand you, but the more you learn, the more things that you know, the more you can appreciate everything and not take things for granted. It's a livelier way to live your life.

9.) Learn to be a Child Again

There is nothing wrong with playing, especially if you just want to be creative inside your work. It works magic in a different way so don't let your inner child go away.

10.) Love Yourself

The most important thing is that you learn to love yourself. Even if you are just a teenager, we need to learn to learn ourselves in this world where cyber bullying is everywhere despite all the efforts of different people around the world to help stop that culture. Love yourself and for you can love other people especially your family as easy as ABC.