Beauty Sleeping Will Get You Better Skin

We all know that beauty sleep isn't just for ladies, men need it too. A lack of sleep could make you look older than you supposed to be and has slower recovery rate for replenishing dead skin cells. Researchers found out that those who have trouble getting a good sleep scored two times worse on a test that measures signs of aging.

It is also a common knowledge that when we do not get enough sleep, our face sags and eye bags, especially the loss of luster in our skin. Not enough sleep can also make you more stressed, and everyone can see that tension. It also makes you look angry, tired, sad, or just plainly boring. If you're up late drinking and smoking, that's more bad news for your skin. Alcohol affects sleep quality, leaving bags under your eyes. Smoking leads to premature wrinkles.

Talking about sleep quality, it is vital to the growth and renewal of the body's immune system as well as our psychological systems. And sleep deprivation can affect the hormones produced in response to stress, like cortisol, a natural anti-inflammatory. Our insulin is also affected which hampers  our immune system's ability to deal with stress.

We all need sleep, a teenager needs about 9 hours of sleep to stay healthy and strong, an adult also needs 7 to 8 but also varies upon the person because some only needs 5 hours of quick rest and some needs 10 hours to be able to work better.

When sleeping, our body repairs our whole body when we sleep. When we shorten our sleeping time, it may disrupt the rejuvenating process of hormonal and metabolic changes in the body and it includes the skin.

To be able to sleep better and longer, you can at least follow these points that I found out all over the books stored in the house.

  1. Make your Bedroom the Most Comfortable place in the house.
  2. Get Comfy.
  3. Sleep in any position that will make you relaxed.
  4. Take a warm bath before sleeping.
  5. Keep your dinner at moderation.
  6. Avoid getting to bed with an empty stomach.
  7. Darken the room and eliminate lights from your sleeping time.
  8. Take a Deep slow breath.
  9. Lastly, Enjoy your sleep.
If at least you cannot follow all these steps and are still trying hard to get into sleep, you could put on moisturizer on your skin and into your body. Since study founds out that we get lack of sleep, our body dehydrates faster than usual rates. Do not also forget to drink at least 2 liters of water during the day when you know that you won't be able to get a sound sleep tonight.

To effectively make your skin pampered while sleeping, you can use this tips that I found out proven to be of use especially when taking care of your skin: Beauty Sleep of a Teenage Boy

All living things need sleep in order to function well and to be able to stay healthy not only mentally but also physically. With today's noise and other troubles, we all need to relax a bit and sleep.